Assessment Descriptions

Myers-Briggs  Type Inventory

The Myers-Briggs  Type Indicator (MBTI®) is a self-report questionnaire designed to  make Jung’s theory of psychological types understandable and useful in everyday life. MBTI® results identify valuable differences between normal, healthy people, differences that can be the source of much misunderstanding and miscommunication.

Taking the MBTI®  inventory and receiving feedback will help you identify your unique gifts.  The information enhances understanding of yourself, your motivations, your natural strengths and your potential areas for growth.  It will also help you appreciate people who differ from you. Understanding your MBTI® type is self-affirming and encourages cooperation with others.

After more than 60 years of research and development, the current MBTI® assessment is the most widely used instrument for understanding normal personality differences.  Because it explains basic patterns in human functioning, the MBTI® tool is used for a wide variety of purposes including the following:

  • Self-understanding and development
  • Career development and exploration
  • Organization development
  • Team building
  • Management and leadership training and development
  • Problem solving & decision making
  • Relationship counseling
  • Diversity and multicultural understanding
  • Stress reduction
  • Learning
  • Innovation and Creativity
  • Communication
  • Change Management
  • Conflict Management


DiSC® is a model of human behavior that helps people understand “why they do what they do.” The DiSC® dimensions of behavior (Dominance, influencing, Steadiness, and Conscientiousness) make up the DiSC® model and interact with other factors to describe the typical behavioral styles of individuals.

DiSC® is a nonjudgmental language for exploring issues across 4 primary DiSC® dimensions of behavior:

  • Dominance: Direct & Decisive. D’s arestrong-willed, strong-minded people who like accepting challenges, takingaction, and getting immediate results
  • influence: Optimistic & Outgoing. i’s are “people people” who like participating on teams, sharing ideas, and energizing and entertaining others
  • Steadiness: Sympathetic & Cooperative. S’s are helpful people who like working behind the scenes, performing in consistent and predictable ways, and are good listeners
  • Conscientiousness: Concerned & Correct. C’s value quality and like planning ahead, employing systematic approaches, and checking and re-checking for accuracy

Organizations worldwide have embraced the language of DiSC® to pave the way for successful training, coaching, and consulting applications.

Originally created by Dr. William Marston at Columbia University and researched and updated by Dr. John Geier and Inscape Publishing at the University of Minnesota, the DiSC® model and its training assessments have helped over 35 million people in 25+ languages over the last 40 years.

DiSC® reports provide detailed behavioral analysis based upon your scores on the traits outlined above. The report discusses the 15 Classical Profile Patterns including key characteristics, potential ambitions or hopes, fears that may hinder the person and suggestions of ways one can adapt to improve performance.   The reports also include information about group or team culture, personal development plans.

Supplemental DiSC® Reports include dealing with:

  • Communication and Conflict
  • Leadership and Management
  • Recruitment and Hiring
  • Sales and Customer Service
  • Stress
  • Time management

Everything DiSC 363 for Leaders

“Everything DiSC 363 for Leaders is supported by contemporary leadership research on the interpersonal characteristics of leaders. The result is eight approaches to effective leadership. You’ll discover how your colleagues see you performing on each of these eight approaches.

The best part is that you’ll discover your greatest strengths as a leader and then you’ll get concrete strategies for improving on areas that your raters want you to use more often. This assessment is especially useful for individual development planning, for leadership training, and for team building with an intact team.”

All eight approaches contribute to leadership success. While it’s not essential that you excel in every area, you need at least some level of competency in each to be a great leader. Understanding yourself better is the first step to becoming more effective when leading others.

Your Everything DiSC 363 for Leaders Profile Report Includes:

  • Introduction to Everything DiSC 363 for Leaders
  • Your Leadership Outlook (narrative)
  • 8 Approaches and their Practices
  • How Your Raters See You
  • Self vs. All Raters & How Your Ratings Compare (helps identify gaps between Self & Raters)
  • Breakdown by Group (Manager, Peers, Direct Reports, Others)
  • 3 Practices for Each Effective Leadership Approach (includes up to 3 comments selected by Raters)
  • Your Greatest Strengths as a Leader (determined by the Raters)
  • Your 3 Strategies for Development
  • Data Summary & Comments

FIRO-B®  (Fundamental Interpersonal Relations Orientation – Behavior Assessment)

For more than 50 years, the Fundamental Interpersonal Orientation – Behavior assessment has helped people around the world understand how their need for inclusion, control and affection can shape their interactions with others at work or in their personal life.  The FIRO-B® assessment is ideal for one-on-one coaching, team-building initiatives, communication workshops and leadership development programs.  The FIRO-B® Profile, administered online, offers graphic presentation of scores and personalized analysis of results in a two page report.

The FIRO-B® Interpretative Report for Organizations provides a narrative report to improve effectiveness in an organizational setting.  The personalized report includes FIRO-B® results and supplies a list of patterns of need fulfillment in the areas of inclusion, control and affection to target areas for development and provides team role and effectiveness information, with suggested guidelines for improvement.  This 13 page report is ideal for use in advancing career development, explaining team roles, improving team effectiveness and identifying leadership operating styles.

FIRO Business® Assessment

The FIRO Business® assessment is based on the (FIRO®) Fundamental Interpersonal Relations Orientation model. It measures Expressed and Wanted interpersonal needs in three areas that affect work relationships: involvement, influence and connection. The FIRO Business® assessment helps organizations develop great leaders while improving organizational performance. FIRO Business®
provides a basic summary of the FIRO Business® assessment results in a 5 page report and is useful in business applications such as communication workshops and team building.

FIRO Business® Leadership Report helps leaders understand their interpersonal needs and how those needs influence their communication styles and behavior. The FIRO Business® Leadership Report is particularly valuable to business because it presents key insights on relating to direct reports, superiors and peers; influencing and negotiating; making decisions; and setting priorities.  This 13 page report is a valuable tool for leadership development and executive coaching.

Thomas-Kilmann Conflict Mode Instrument

The Thomas-Kilmann Conflict Mode Instrument can help strengthen your organization by resolving conflicts effectively.

The Thomas-Kilmann Conflict Mode Instrument (TKI) is the world’s best-selling instrument for understanding how different conflict-handling modes, or styles, affect interpersonal and group dynamics and for learning how to select the most appropriate style for a given situation. The TKI tool offers a pragmatic, situational approach to conflict resolution and has been used successfully by businesses, educators and organizational development professionals for over 35 years.  This online version of the assessment offers a 10 page graphic presentation of scores and a personalized analysis of results, including a 2-page explanation of individuals preferred mode, guidance on appropriate use of each mode, and suggestions for learning to work with less preferred modes.  The updated norms are based on a revised sample that closely reflects gender, racial, ethnic and job-level diversity in the workplace in the United States.

The  Work Engagement Profile

The Work Engagement Profile measures key factors that keep you engaged in your work. By engagement, we mean the energy and thought you put into your work. By work, we mean both the activities you perform and their intended purpose. When you are engaged in your work, you take steps to ensure that your activities are effective in accomplishing their purpose.  We call this the self-management process.

Self-management involves four steps:

  • Committing to a meaningful work purpose—one that is worth your effort
  • Choosing activities that you believe will best accomplish the purpose
  • Making sure that you are performing those activities competently
  • Ensuring that your activities are making progress toward the purpose

Your 15 page Work Engagement Profile Interpretive Report  details your results in each of these four areas: meaningfulness, chose, competence and progress and provides a measure ofyour overall engagement in your work.

Coping Resources Inventory

The Coping Resources Inventory (CRI) tells you about resources you have that can help you handle the stress that is a natural part of life. Resources are more than just the specific coping mechanisms or coping strategies that you use when you are under stress. While specific coping strategies help you to feel better at the time, resources are more powerful and enduring. Resources are reserves that you can draw on. These reserves are the result of continually or habitually using certain behaviors or ways of thinking. For example, you may cope with a particular stressful event–such as looking for a new job–by jogging. But if you are not in shape, this activity may have limited effect, and you could end up hurting yourself. On the other hand, if jogging is part of your lifestyle, you will have built up reserves–or resources–that can help you deal with those inevitable stressful events whenever they do come along.

Having a high level of coping resources, therefore, can help you:

1) Limit the ill effects of stress

2) Recover faster from a stressful event

The 4 page Coping Resources Inventory Report provides results in five resource areas: physical, spiritual, self-esteem, social and emotional.  If you need to develop resources, you find some action steps that can help you develop ways to deal with stress and anxiety.

Work/Life Values Checklist

Having a clear sense of your values is critical to your career development and will help you make satisfying choices. Values contribute significantly to a sense of fulfillment or meaning in life. Alternatively, when values are thwarted, people often report feeling that they are “living life on a treadmill” or that they are “burned out.” Do you feel either of these ways now? Your results from the Work/Life Values Checklist should help you sort out what is important in both your work and your life. You can use these results to find out why a current job is not satisfying– why you may feel burned out–or to help you evaluate different career and life choices. You are most likely to find
satisfaction from work and life roles that match your values.

The results of your Work/Life Values Checklist are presented in a 5 page report which helps you understand your Core Values, Work Values, and Life Values.  The report also includes exercises that provide for further understanding and reflection.